President Higgins said that: " The five permanent members
( of the United Nations security council )
China, France, Russia, the UK and the USA, are embarking on a ' new arms
race' and the arms industry was
exporting 'weapons of death and
destruction' for use in Syria, Yemen, and the Democratic Republic of Congo".
President Higgins is
one of the few international figures who have the courage and the desire to
make such a statement and talk about the
consequences. .
The United Nations organisation is based upon the principle
of arming the most militarily powerful
and wealthy nations and giving them the responsibility to keep world peace!
This is a sure recipe
for war - not occasional war but
permanent war for profit. In the least violent of times we may hope these five best armed and
wealthiest nations - whose leaders are becoming every year more unstable - will
agree enough among themselves to enforce
stability - not create peace but enforce stability - on the rest of the world with the help of the
armies of the smaller countries like Ireland. If the five fall out among themselves then the
stage is set for the most appalling of all the United Nations principles to come into full action - the
principle of "you get peace by threatening to beat down the rest of the
world", the rest being chosen for
this fate by the United Nations and its highest
paying members. At present the USA and China are threatening each other
with a trade war which could turn into
something much worse.
This principle and
our acceptance of it is one of the worst
of the deceptions played by the United Nations on a world that was so hopeful
for peace that it accepted the United Nations as a peacemaker. The UN was not
and is not a peace maker, it is a facilitator
and stabiliser of war between factions
and nations competing in our permanent wars for profit.
President Higgins pointed out that " these five members
of the Permanent Security Council of the
United Nations who are entrusted with the maintenance of international peace
and security account for three quarters
of global arms exports".
He might have coloured this picture of evil with a homely illustration
- if you produce eggs you will encourage
the whole world to get healthy by eating eggs. For the arms makers every
war is a welcome opportunity to demonstrate the latest and freshest in their range
of deadly eggs. Every war stimulates their trade and if there is a lull in
their permanent wars, they make new
ones. The five "peace-keepers" of the United Nations cannot do
without arms sales on a massive and ever increasing scale to feed their economies. For them death solves
problems, their economic problems.
It all may seem far away as we read what President Higgins
or any other analyst says so let's bring it nearer to home. When we were in the last stages of
ending the thirty years war in Ireland's
northeast a few years ago a conference was held in Washington to discuss our future. Imagine the scene,
tired people hoping to make peace, waiting for encouragement and help from the
leaders of the world. In this conference held in the premises of one of the UN Security Council,
there were plenty of speeches about
peace. So what did the speech-makers say to us in this atmosphere of hope?
There was one speech I shall never forget .
We were emerging from a thirty years war . We had worked and
hoped for peace not only for ourselves but
for the world. In the midst of the various
clichés, a speaker took to the platform - I think he was from the now
deceased Northern Ireland Office - to
tell us how we could best make progress in our future peace.
The best thing, he told us ,
was to encourage industry. And the
best industry to encourage, he said, was the Belfast-based firm making arms for
export, which he said had excellent prospects..................excellent
prospects ..... ......for peace ?
After a thirty years war......................?
From the audience of politicians, social workers, clergy and many others present there were only two people who cried out and
protested with dismay and indignation. One of them was Inez Mc
Cormack, a fearless trade union leader
who demanded what the workers wanted, not what the war-for-profit merchants wanted.
From the army of professional peacemakers about to leave the
meeting for a meal not another word was
said about our peace.
For some reason we go
on believing in this
United Nations fiction.
What a recipe for peace it is, " Your best way to
proceed in your peace is to manufacture arms to encourage others to make war
President Higgins in his speech also said ; " The self-
defeating rhetoric of the arms race, the immorality of the arms trade, can only
serve as infrastructure to fuel current
and future wars" .
We might think that such a speech in this time of Wars-For-Policy-and-Profit would encourage most
Irish people to bring Michael D. Higgins into Presidency for a second term.
Unfortunately it may do nothing of the sort.
We may have bought into the United
Nations and arms trade untruth that
peace means preserving for the few the ability to beat down the rest us. For
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