Thursday, 20 September 2018


Going from left to right - in more ways than one - the political world seems falling apart :  The USA is discussing not whether their president is the best ever but whether their president is just self-seeking and intellectually unfit for the job ; in Ireland most politicians  are resisting the logical advance of democratic  representation,  coalition of all parties and go on dividing in the hope of conquering each other; in the North of Ireland the DUP is pulling itself apart, in Britain many Scots want to secede, the Conservative government is  unsure whether its rudder is  guiding them to the right direction and even whether it has one;  the European Union instead of creating unity and the certainty of a better future for Europeans  is wondering if there is, or ever will be, such a thing as European Unity ; the Middle East is rocked and blasted again and again with disastrous wars whose origin goes back to what European Nations have greedily done to it for centuries.

And the Catholic church, still believing in its destiny to be the Rock on which a new World would be solidly built is in bitter conflict inside, under attack from outside and wondering how  it can keep its certainties about anything in face of so many believers now becoming uncertain of nearly everything.

There is even more than that, but why continue such a litany of woe?

There is plenty of criticism about all this , plenty of a verbal and other abuse about it. But there seems a  remarkable absence of reasonable analysis of what is happening and why it is happening. Maybe too many people are afraid of being held  responsible, too few believing we humans can do any better.

So why not ask just one question that might help lighten the dark : What would have happened if.........?

What would have happened if our Unionist friends in Ireland , having got control  - against their wishes because  they wanted all of it  - of six Irish counties had decided to treat  everyone in that carved off area  with justice, decency and even generosity? There were some of them who did want it and even the British King George the Fifth  ( it was George V wasn't it ?) made a speech at the opening of Stormont  (in 1932 wasn't it ?) saying he hoped "both sides in Ireland would eventually come together". What would have happened if the Unionist fair play people, few as they were, had taken courage and succeeded? Of course they were  thinking of fair play inside the Empire, which would not be easy but no matter, that might well have been remedied in time.

Or if in the USA they really did become the Land of the Free for the black people, the immigrants, for all to whom their Constitution promised  a new life brightened by  the American Dream come true?

Or if the European Governments who colonised the world for profit had listened honourably to those who demanded  justice for those whose riches and resources they plundered , and the idea of creating a "shared history" with them  had been real, not a sham  created after so much abuse?

So many ifs and an even greater number of buts. It did not happen - that was not because it could  not happen, but because so many people refused even to think of it happening. These weren't only the  powerful and ruthless ones.  Some of them believed they were the great defenders of human dignity in the world - the church and other religious leaders among them. What would have happened to Apartheid in South Africa if the Dutch Reformed and other Churches  had not tolerated or encouraged it ? 

Is our "What if..?"  then a fantasy question about an  impossible dream ?

We human beings have an immense capacity to do what is right. Some of us have died rather than refuse  their fellow citizens the dignity and justice they deserve.  We celebrate their lives and deaths. Surely then we have proved we have something better to live and die  for than an economic system, or for making ourselves great again by blocking other peoples' trade, fingers poised over a bigger destructive button of misery  than our fellow human beings  whom we should be promising to   cherish, not threatening to destroy ? Asking "What would have happened if.....? " is not a useless question. Not only  political and religious unions but even our social and homestead unities are dissolving, our empires crumbling , our artificial greedy divisions of people and countries proving to be the  accursed disaster they really are, yet somewhere there must be  -  an individual here, a handful of people there - the seeds of a human intelligence that understands what is really good for the human race, seeds that never really died and may still be ready to grow no matter how the ruthless, the greedy, and worse, the ungenerous, have  poured the worst of their destructive profit-making seed- destroyers on them.

Or to put it another way :  What if your small persistent shouts for justice were at last to  shake down  our avalanche ?


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