Friday, 25 January 2019


Padraic Fiacc , Joe O Connor, has left us.

After his 94 years seeing life for what it is, like treading on grass littered with broken glass and shredded bricks, hope, fresh amazement dissolving into sorrowful disappointment, rising again because the spirit is stronger than the hardest of worlds, not needing a sweet smelling lawn from which to leap to where the spirit is at home  ......................

A friend, he  came to visit us and we talked about life and death, about poetry and about why we should be afraid of poets............

He did us the honour of writing a poem about it afterwards :

 "Ducking flying glass from the workers cleaning

Up afterwards, I take to the middle of Royal Avenue

On my way in gold rimmed Polaroids to give

A poetry reading in Ballymurphy : clutching at

Ragged editions of my own poems , like clutching at

strands of grass to keep you up from falling

with crashing debris  down the mountainy ware

- houses and hotels !  .........................."

Rest peacefully, Joe , and remember your friends..............

1 comment:

  1. Fíle den chéad scoith abhí Padraic Fiacc(Joe O'Connor). a man who was gentle and thoughtful. Ní Fheicfidh muid a leitheid arís. Suaimhneas Siorraí dá anam uasal.
