Thursday, 23 August 2018


My dear friends,  I thank you for the warm welcome you have given me to your beautiful country. As you know,  I am here to join with  our friends in the World Conference of Families during their annual international meeting.  Not long ago when we talked about Families we meant Father, Mother and children born of this  union of man and woman. But today - and this is one of the changes in our lives many of us may  find difficult to accept - we recognise a Family as a group of people who are bound together by love of each other and the promise to love each other until death and in such a family there may be members who love each other within the whole spectrum of love from heterosexual to homosexual and all the subtle and beautiful grades of love in between. Today I am asking that we all recognise the reality of what is happening and give our respect and love to those who have the generosity to give each other such a pledge of love for life. This is no easy change to make in our attitude and in our friendships. But through many centuries there  have been changes we could never have foreseen, changes we welcomed, changes we did  not welcome, changes which in the end we accepted  because we knew that we, as Catholics, as Christians, and as people of spiritual and intellectual strength we had  the power, the ability, the desire to live with  generosity towards all our people, in whatever way our lives developed. I have no need to tell you good friends  that we, the Church, and we the friends of the church, have often not only avoided but have opposed change. Sometimes we were right, sometimes we were wrong, even gravely wrong.   I,  Pope Francis make no claim to an infallibility that can say with absolute certainty what is right and wrong in any given  time in history.  I can say what our learning, our traditions, our mind and spirit have told us was right and proper for the age we lived in.

But there is another age, another time. And so I ask you today to look with honesty on what we have created for ourselves and for our children. What has been done wrong  is only too clear. There are even some of us who seem to despair of things being any different. They can be different. But not if you are working for change by yourselves and I am working for change by  myself -- even though the changes we want are the same. There is little use saying - Pope  Francis, good for you, you are going the right way, what are you going to do for us  next? No. the right question is -  Pope Francis, if what you are doing is good, what can we do to help, if what you are you doing is wrong or useless or sinful, what  can we do by using our influence, small or large, to rebuke and make right what is wrong ?  Please do not think that I as pope can do whatever  I want to do; no, I am surrounded, just as you are, by people some of whom will say Yes and No but do nothing or continue as before. So let us understand not just our strength but our weakness, your's and mine. You must create a world in which goodness, generosity, recognition of the dignity of  children, women and men is fully respected no matter what the pope says or does; the pope must reach out, not dominate, call upon the wisdom and experience  of the whole people, not rely on an infallibility which  he himself does  not claim for more than perhaps half per cent of what we believe in and stand for.

There have been many times in  history when it seemed that criminals had seized on the very heart and soul of our church. We have never been without conflict and struggle for the recognition of the dignity of all God's people. Nowadays the struggle is just as intense as ever, but it is a conflict of a different kind, of greater, much greater intensity. Please do not think the Pope can change evil into good by some magical power that he does not have ; but be certain that he, like you, can be an instrument of change - provided that you and he and those inside and outside the fellowship of the church are struggling together and openly, either in open agreement or open disagreement according to conscience. Please do not keep saying  "Too little too late" in  all this ebb and flow  of failure and success.   What is done is little, it may be late, but it is never too late. That is, provided we are united in our work to make the world worthy of our children and all of us.

I have already said to you in my video message :  "Young people are the future . It is very important to prepare them for the future , preparing them today in the present but also rooted in the past ". So I want you to know that there is one thing very close to my heart that I must  ask you to do. I promise  here and now to lead the way and I promise  that I shall demand it of every person with whom I have influence.  It is this: We have placed too great a burden on our children. We have provided for them a religious and moral  education we thought  suitable for their needs and their development. But we made mistakes in this as we made mistakes  in so many other things. The worst of them was  that some of the very people who should have been  enriching the children's learning and life became their predators and destroyers .

We educated  the  children and  told them to bring the Faith with them into their adult world. It would have been far better to do what Jesus Christ did -  speak to mature adults , speaking in the open and in private, speaking to each other as adults in our houses and our places of work and worship with a message  that is not fit just for children but fit for revolution in a world that dearly and deeply needs revolution based upon our maturing  knowledge and generosity. While the children listen and learn.

Our Catholic church community at all levels should be the source and nourishment  of  lifelong learning -  enlightened and wonderful, visionary and practical for all our people, lifelong learning about what our Faith means, about what our world needs in this world that is forever changing, evolving physically, intellectually, spiritually. So our children, seeing this, will ask their own questions in their own way, and we, all of us, will be able and willing to share a Faith with them that is real, not with childish answers but showing them a  wonderful vision of life and how to protect themselves against those who would selfishly corrupt  both  them and their Faith.

Never be afraid to contest anyone who corrupts the vision and beauty of your children , talk openly about it if it happens, and if  it happens, demand of your church , your schools, your workplaces , your   government , your pope, everyone, that they must match your open and courageous way of life showing your families and your children how to protect themselves  long before they have to ask  help from others, even from a pope.

My dear friends, you have heard the old saying, "Charity begins at home" . Indeed it does. And so does the protection of your dignity and that of your children. The first witness to any violation of the child is the child. So the first line of defence must be with the child. It is for the rest of us to be attentive, respectful, determined. An institution can make rules and laws, contracts and treaties, but it is in the hearts and souls of real people that real change begins.  We are a people in transition, in time of change so rapid that we sometimes seem to prefer stagnation. We need not let that happen. Don't be afraid again. We have had enough of fear, entering a new phase of personal and family responsibility.

As I leave your beautiful country in a few days time, let your thought be, not "the Pope has given us strength", but rather, "We have given  our Pope and ourselves all the strength we need by recognising his dignity and ours, his weakness and ours, his place in our world and our place in his.

May God bless us all as we bless each other.   




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