Thursday, 4 May 2017


How long may it be until Washington's  Mother of All Bombs becomes Washington's Bomber of all Mothers ?

Not all that long if we go on allowing governments to make international military threats rather than international civil treaties, internationally promoting Death for Profit and Life Only at Gunpoint.

Just before the first government murders by atomic weapons at the end of WW2  scientists  who had helped make the bombs were talking about the possible results of their handiwork. There is an account of their thinking  in Rebels Against War, The American Peace Movement 1941-1960  by Laurence S. Wittner (1968):

A scientist, Szilard, said, " some of us walked the streets of Chicago imagining the sky suddenly  lit by a giant fireball, the  steel skeletons of skyscrapers bending into grotesque shapes ...". Szilard was one of the people who helped persuade Roosevelt to build the bombs.  Then, too late of course, some scientists - only some scientists -  began to repent, lamenting not a Japanese city or an Irish city, or a Russian city but an American city possibly being destroyed by their enthusiastic work . The scientists knew what their proud and lucrative work could lead to and went on doing it. Repentance came too little, too late and too mean.

Before the first atomic murder  bomb was flung down on Japanese men, women and children -- at that time this was the "Mother of All Bombs"  -- 150 scientists in Chicago  were asked their opinion of its future:

2 % said, Don't use it ;

11%  said, Have an experimental demonstration of it that the world can understand, but don't use it as a weapon;

26 % said, Have an experimental demonstration and then use it  --  " if necessary";

46 % said, Have a "military demonstration of it in Japan" ( that is, effective military use in Japan) followed by full military use as required;

15% said, Use it in the most effective way to force surrender.

That is, only 13% said, Don't use it at all.  39% would have a limited  show beforehand, 85 % would have full military use with only a demonstration beforehand, 15% said use the bomb as the military wanted it.

So if you are hoping the scientists may join together ,  revert to their role as benefactors of humanity and save us all from MOAB and BOAM,forget it. What has happened can happen again. In history  no usable weapon was ever  invented that was not used to maximum effect. Read Bible or History book to study the mentality that made this so.

Will politicians and economists  be persuaded to ask,  "Where's the profit if you sell  your soul to get it ?".

North Korea recently tested missiles over the sea and many respected people condemned it. It was a demonstration.

Washington recently  tested 59 missiles against Syria - that  was a demonstration too - but many respected people  seemed remarkably calm about it.

We can imagine on both occasions a cry, though, an awed  wondering cry rising from a small room in the White House :

WOW !!!!!!!!!

At one and a half million dollars a  blast, that sounds like mighty good business.  

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