It is hard to believe
President Trump did not know how destructive his decision about the
American Embassy being sited in
Jerusalem would be.
Did he do it because
It brought the destabilisation of the Middle East a step further?
It created an
opportunity for a trial of strength between Washington and the United Nations?
It continued the policy of getting what Washington wants without
war on its own territory , fought by other peoples and leaving Washington's financial supporters in the happy position of offering to clear up the mess with considerable
profit ?
Washington is not good at winning wars, so incitement to wars on other people's ground,
fought by other people, is considered good policy. Trump did not promise to give up foreign wars, he indicated
his dislike of fighting foreign wars Washington does not win. And there is a
fair number of wars it didn't win.
Washington entered the First World War when the already fighting
nations had exhausted each other. It was then able to take part in the drawing of political
borders in the Middles East that had little regard for local tribes and peoples
but much regard for sharing out the spoils to imperial interests of outsiders. In
Ireland we understand such things , both historically and presently and we
don't like it. The border drawn in
Ireland running ridiculously through farms and even houses without
regard for history or need or potential of the people living there was what
powerful governments did in those days.
Washington entered the Second World War when Germany exhausted
itself in a disastrous war with Russia and the main task then became to re-arm
the Germans and prevent the Russians
from getting too far west in Europe.
Washington has a remarkable record of not winning wars,
Vietnam, Syria, Iraq ..........the successful war with Mexico seems so far away
now......ended about 1848 did it ?
Of course on the other hand what do you mean by winning? If the result of your
military action is military retreat , what odds if retreat means destabilising whole nations with the
likelihood of your profitably re-building them to your own image and likeness,
which after all was the reason for your war in the first place?
One fear Mr Trump must have is that North Korea or any other
nation could get within striking distance of American-friendly territory.
Whether heavy USA threats or light United Nations resolutions will
prevent that happening remains to
be seen.
One can suppose that Mr Trump is not as ' through other' as
he seems and it is all part of a grand
plan. A
big political word now is Hegemony - a Greek word for domination, control by one nation over another
and commentators are saying fairly
freely now that that is what Washington is getting for itself, a new hegemony, a world one at that.
Still, may 2018 be indeed Happy , Peaceful and Prosperous.
And may none of our Hearts be Trump's.