To understand what is happening now in the USA we should
read two books, Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler and any book charting the rise and
fall of Ian Paisley.
This is not to say that these two men are like Hitler or
that Hitler is like either of them. It is to say simply that these should be
read so as to understand the process by which people are persuaded to vote for or
approve their own downfall. Those of us who are oldest remember the nineteen
thirties and those who are young can
read about it. Mein Kampf is Adolf Hitler's account of his ideas and intentions
that led to his rise to power. What is
happening in the USA now is similar: the scapegoating of whole peoples - in
this case the Mexicans, the Muslims- attacks on the press, the building up of the
military not for foreign wars you can't
win but for internal use - border guards, internal order, the fostering of
popular hatred of what is called " the establishment" which is proclaimed to have betrayed the people for its own profit (the French and Germans between the two world wars were angry about
their establishment having done the same thing ), the replacement of respect
for establishment by what is named populism, the building up a cult of personality leadership, the insistence that the future holds immense
dangers from which only one man can save
the people, America will be great again, America First.
This has been accompanied now by one more disgraceful
happening. Many religious people, including Roman Catholics, seem to have voted
for Donald Trump because whatever else he may do he is better than Hilary Clinton on abortion. Once again
Catholics have allowed themselves to be persuaded that their Catholicism can
be judged by their attitude to one
issue. We did it in the nineteen thirties with Franco, Catholics in France did it because they believed in the new world order
Hitler was promising. One Issue Catholicism is one factor in the potential disaster
that is America today. Add to this that while
we know torture is done and approved by governments
, now we have it authoritatively stated that the USA officially approves of torture
because it produces results for the state.
The United Nations was, is and will be a useless instrument
to hold in check those who want power at all costs, just as the League of Nations
was in the old days. If the Washington regime decides that the Trump wall is
not enough and invades Mexico, who will defend México's right to live ?
As the United States of America willingly and even happily shudders , look at the banners and
the dancing , we see creeping along one item after another which together threaten
the dissolution of the American Union. No Union is forever. The Third Reich was
to last for a thousand years, it lasted less than fifty, the European empires
dissolved , the Soviet Union broke up.
All were based on the demand for power
at any cost. Deutschland uber alles,
uber alles in der Welt.
America First will be
Great Again, Britannia Rule the Waves - not a statement of fact that it rules the
waves but an imperialist populist demand to do so, "Britannia, Rule the Waves".
One voice may give hope - Pope Francis sees the awful
writing on that Trump wall.
The American situation is dangerous and now is the time to
say so, not when it is too late - which will be soon.